HHRF June 2023 Free Webinar-5 Domains

June 14, 2023 @ 1:00PM — 2:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

: 786 MARLIN DR FRIPP ISLAND, SC - South Carolina 29920-7305 Get Directions

HHRF June 2023 Free Webinar-5 Domains image

Free June Webinar

Incorporating the 5 domains of horse welfare into training involves taking a holistic approach to ensure that the horse's overall well-being is being prioritized. By considering each domain and making adjustments as needed, we can create a training program that is both effective and compassionate, resulting in a happier, healthier horse.

The webinar will delve into each domain and discuss how to relate each of them into the training. We will explore how proper nutrition and a suitable environment can positively impact a horse's training and how understanding a horse's behavior and mental state can lead to more effective training methods.

Attendees will come away with a deeper understanding of the 5 domains of horse welfare and how they can apply them to their own training practices. By doing so, will be able to develop a more comprehensive and effective approach to horse training that prioritizes the horse's well-being while also achieving optimal performance outcomes.

About Iris

British Horse Society trained Equestrian Coach (BHSIV), Equine Sports Therapist, Ethologist, mindfulness instructor and Symbiosis Horse Academy founder.
I have dedicated my life to learning about and educating others about these fascinating animals.

Spent 10 years studying, training, and working within the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment where my skills were used to retrain horses with behavioural problems and rehabilitating horses which had been resting due to injury, as well as teaching and training the riders in the regiment.

My tireless passion and love for horses have taken me around the world. I have worked with many horses and riders in varying disciplines in remote places like Sudan or Dubai, and closer to home, Germany, England and the Netherlands.

I love sharing my knowledge with everybody who is willing and has the interest and patience to learn and improve, regardless of the rider discipline; I teach from leisure riders, to the more demanding and running a competitive discipline: always connecting with their emotions and drives, to help them improve and gain knowledge.

Many of the challenges our horses face stem from our fast paced, ‘modern’ lives taking away the foundations of riding and horsemanship. Iris’s methods take the relationship between horse and rider back to basics; taking the time to educate and develop a respectful and harmonious partnership. Relationships like these have no time constraints once established.

I have admired many equestrians throughout my childhood and adult life. Riding Instructor and author, Molly Sivewright, British Eventers Mary King and William Fox-Pitt and New Zealander, Mark Todd are just a few of the people she feels have influenced her in her career goals and working practice.

In recent years, I have been studying and practicing the theories and principles of Danish equestrian Klaus Ferdinand Hemphling, The Academic Art of Riding with Bent Banderup, Marjike de Jong and her Straightness Training, and the teaching of The Nevzorov Haute Ecole.

Warwick Schiller and Anna Blake´s teachings on horsemanship and vital writings have influenced me on my training and coaching through the years.

I have also observed the work of Nuno Oliviera; The Portuguese Master whose methods have inspired thousands to adopt the ‘classical’ style of riding, the fundamentals of which I use in my teaching today. As well as the works of renaissance riders Pluvinel, Baucher, le Cadre Noir which most of them used humane, logical and systematic training methods in the foundation of their equestrian practice. General Decarpentry or Etienne Beudant have also fascinated and influenced me, especially when working on horses nobody gave their time of the day.

I use all these influences, knowledge and many years of experience when teaching to ensure the best possible learning experience and outcome.

About Arnau

CEO at PikDame Education Equestrian Center, certified by the British Horse Society and the Real Federación Española de Hípica. In 2004, after obtaining my degree in Economics by the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, my passion for horses took me to England where I took my BHS Stages .

There is a quote that quite reflects my journey with horses ''A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”. During my career I have been involved in many different aspects of the horse industry, from competition groom, starting youngsters, training dressage horses, riding horses for dealing stables, training jumping horses for clients and other riders, teaching riders and horses towards competing in Eventing, Dressage and Jumping. or coaching young riders, placing them at the Spanish Ponies Eventing Nationals.

The drive to learn and improve my relationship with horses has taken me all over Europe and has helped me to meet and share knowledge with great horsemen and horsewomen. Some of them include Olympic dressage rider and trainer Luis Lucio, Olympic dressage rider Rafael Soto, Björn Nägel (Olympic showjumper), Luca Maria Moneta (italian showjumper), Tina Layton (international dressage rider representing Great Britain) or Arthur Kottas Heldenberg.

I view horsemanship as a life journey, and the desire to get as many knowledge as I could in order to understand horses better and by doing so help the riders and horses I work with, has taken me on a discovery and study path that includes the work of Bent Branderup and the Academic Art of Riding, Dr. Andrew Mclean, Warwick Schiller, Madison Shambaugh (Mustang Maddy), Marjike de Jong and her Straightness Training or any equestrian I can learn and get new knowledge from.

In 2010 I decided to build Pikdame. Since then alongside training horses and riders, I have been developing programs to transfer all that knowledge into leadership, communication and wellbeing programs for companies and organizations.And working alongside other professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists) in the field of equine assisted interventions.

In 2020 my interest in contributing to the field of equine assisted interventions led me to join AINISE, in order to join forces to create a better environment and training programs for the horses involved in such activities.

As from the begining of 2023 I am a proud member of the Horse and Human Research Foundation Equine Wellbeing committee.


Topic: HHRF Free June Webinar

Time: Jun 14, 2023 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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$175 raised by 9 people


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